PRINSES IRENESCHOOL V. CHR. BSO, SLICHERSTRAAT 6, 2515 KD DEN HAAG | 8 WOMEN ATTENDED SESSION 08.30 – 10.00 Today’s session was hosted in English for our participants from China, Russia and Syria to fully participate in the sharing of information on domestic violence. Together we created a safe invironment in which the female participants […]
01-10-2024 | AL HAYAT

RESTAURANT AL HAYAT, FLUWELEN BURGWAL 3B, 2511 CH DEN HAAG | 4 PEOPLE ATTENDED SESSION 17.00 – 18.30 This meeting, hosted in libanese restaurant Al Hayat, for the Indonesian Embassy, gave us the opportunity to inform about domestic violence as well as talk about a possible future collaboration.
13-10-2024 | WERELDHUIS

DEN HAAG WERELDHUIS, HOOFTSKADE 87, 2526 KB DEN HAAG | 5 WOMEN ATTENDED SESSION In the casual setting of today’s session, 2 professionals and 3 clients were able to have an important passage of information on the topic of domestic violence and adequate legal rights.

BIBLIOTHEEK SCHILDERSWIJK, KONINGSTRAAT 439, 2515 JL DEN HAAG | 15 WOMEN ATTENDED SESSION 13.00 – 13.30 This is the second of two information sessions hosted on the same day. As well as during the morning, this session was held in Arabic. So that the 15 Moroccan women that attended were able to activily participate in […]

BIBLIOTHEEK SCHILDERSWIJK, KONINGSTRAAT 439, 2515 JL DEN HAAG | 21 WOMEN ATTENDED SESSION 9.00 – 9.30 The information session, hosted in Arabic, made it possible for the 21 Moroccan participants to educate themselves on the topic of domestic violence and exchange or discuss their own experience in a private setting.

BIBLIOTHEEK SCHILDERSWIJK, KONINGSTRAAT 439, 2515 JL DEN HAAG | 1 PERSON ATTENDED SESSION 10.00 – 12.00 This session turned out to be a valuable one on one exchange with a professional in which experience and knowledge on domestic violence was exchanged.
20-09-2024 | VADERCENTRUM

VADERCENTRUM-ADAM, JONCKBLOETPLEIN 24, 2523 AR DEN HAAG | 80 PEOPLE ATTENDED SESSION 17.00 – 18.30 Today’s information session had, as shown in the pictures below, a great turn up of 80 participants. Not only feeding themselves with food that was provided, but most importantly with information that was given on the topic of domestic violence.

VLUCHTELINGENWERK NEDERLAND, RIJSWIJKSEPLEIN 79, 2516 GZ DEN HAAG | 6 PEOPLE ATTENDED SESSION 16.00 – 17.00 A group of 6 people joint us today at Vluchtelingenwerk The Hague’s homeground for an information exchange on the prevention of domestic violence and associated legal rights.
18-08-2024 | TOMBO ATI

MASJID AL-HIKMAH, MEDLERSTRAAT 4, 2531 HA DEN HAAG | 44 PEOPLE ATTENDED SESSION 13.00 – 17.00 Today’s information session was hosted to educate on both prevention of domestic violence as well as handing out information on associated legal rights and support.