20-11-2024 | WERELDHUIS

DEN HAAG WERELDHUIS, HOOFTSKADE 87, 2526 KB DEN HAAG | 0 PEOPLE ATTENDED SESSION 17.30 – 20.00 Unforunately no one showed up for today’s hosted session. It is believed that due to the name of the session ‘prevention domestic violence’ and the sensitivity of the topic, it was a treshold too far for the intended […]

18-11-2024 | BOUWLUST

COMMUNITY CENTER BOUWLUST, EEKHOORNRADE 215, 2544 VS DEN HAAG | 1 WOMAN, 1 MAN ATTENDED SESSION 10.00 – 11.30 For today’s information session we had two participants looking to educate themselves on the prevention of domestic violence. An almost one on one session that might have created a comfortable setting where people feel free to […]

26-10-2024 | VADERCENTRUM

VADERCENTRUM, JONCKBLOETPLEIN 24, 2523 AR DEN HAAG | 21 WOMEN ATTENDED SESSION A group of 21 Sudenese women attended the information session on domestic violence that was hosted today. As visible in the photographs, there was an interesting balance between the exchange of information on this sensitive topic and engaging in social talk afterwards. All […]

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